As an Administrator or Publicist, you can send a Link to grant reviewers access to one or more specific screeners within a Title, rather than giving them access to all the screeners within a Title. For example, a Link can give reviewers access to episodes 1 and 2 of a show, without giving them access to episodes 3 to 8. While this system gives you more granular control over who can see what, the reviewer experience remains the same: reviewers log in to, and they simply see the screeners they have access to.
Create a Link
To create a Link, navigate to a Title page. Then, in the top right, click Send Link.
This will open the Send Screener Link window, where you’ll choose your settings to create a Link.
Enter your Link Name at the top. This name is for your internal reference only– your reviewers will never see it. The Link Name can be the name of your Title plus the selected screeners, a description of the recipients, or anything you find useful.
Under Screeners, you’ll see a list of all the screeners that belong to that Title. Select the screeners you want to grant access to. You can select as many of these as you’d like.
Next to the Screeners list you’ll see a list of Reviewer Tags. You can use these tags to manage your Link’s recipients. Click a tag to add all the reviewers with that tag to the list of Link recipients. Click it again to remove those reviewers.
You can also add or remove reviewers individually by manually entering their emails in the Recipients field. As you type, we’ll auto-suggest email addresses that exist in your network. You can add up to 500 reviewers to the Recipients field at a time.
Note: A reviewer must already be added to the system in order to be added to a Screeners Link. To add a new reviewer to the system, select Reviewers from the Main Menu navigation on the left, and then click Add.
To notify recipients that you are giving them access to select screeners, click the checkbox next to Send notification email to reviewers on start date.
In the top right, you can set the start date and end date of the Link. These dates override the start and end dates of the Title itself. For example, you can set the Link start date before the Title start date to grant early preview access to certain VIPs. To learn more about setting a start date in the future, please see Schedule a Link below.
If there’s no end date, the Link does not expire, which means a recipient will have access until you choose to expire the Link. See Manage Links to learn more about managing and expiring Links.
Along the bottom of the Send Screener Link window, a message indicates whether MFA is required to watch the screeners in a Link. This setting is controlled on the Title-level and cannot be changed here.
Once you’re happy with your settings, click Create Link.
Schedule a Link
Scheduling options are available in, so your content will become available for viewing on the exact date you want. You can choose to automatically send out email notifications when that date arrives.
When you create a Link, you can use the datepicker to select a start date and time in the future.
The Link recipients will be able to watch the screeners in the Link beginning on the start date and time you specify. If you want the recipients to receive an email notification when the start date and time arrives, be sure to select the option Send notification email to reviewers on start date. This checkbox is available directly below the Recipients box.
You can also update an existing Link’s start date to a date in the future. To edit a Link, select Links from the Main Menu on the left. Then, select your Link, and click Edit along the top of the page. This opens the Edit Link window.
Under Start Date in the top right, choose a new date. Then, click the green Update Link button in the bottom right.
In some cases, you might need to update a Link’s start date from a future date to today. If you edit a scheduled Link’s start date to a date in the past or present, the following confirmation popup appears:
Here, you can click the checkbox to notify reviewers via email that a screener is available for viewing. The email notification is sent immediately, though in some cases it may take up to an hour to send.
Schedule a Title in the Future
In addition to scheduling Links, you can also set a Title’s start date in the future. You can choose the Start Date when you first add the Title to your network. Or, if you’ve already added the Title, just open the title, click the Edit Title button in the top right, and go to Start Date.
A notification email will be sent to assigned reviewers once the start date and time is reached and the Title becomes live.
Manage Links
To access the Links sent from your network, select Links from the Main Menu on the left.
There are two ways to find a Link. First, you can use the filters at the top:
- Live displays all the Links that are currently active and reviewers have access to. Note that the "Live" status of the Link overrides the "Live" status of the Title, which means you can grant early access to a screener even if the Title is not set to “Live” yet.
- Expired displays all the old links that are no longer viewable.
- Scheduled displays Links whose start date is in the future.
The second way to find a Link is to use the Choose a Title menu in the top right-hand corner. Use this menu to view Links for specific Titles.
When a link is selected, the right side of the screen contains two tabs: the first will list the Link’s recipients and the second will list the screeners contained in the Link.
To remove a recipient from the Link, hover over the recipient’s name and click the Remove button.
Along the top of the page, next to the Edit and Expire buttons, you can see the name of the Link sender and the date the Link was created. If a Link has been edited, you will see the name of the person who edited the Link and the date it was edited.
Click the Expire button to immediately expire an active Link so that it is no longer accessible.
Click the Edit button if you want to make changes to the Link, such as renaming it or adjusting the start or end date.
If you change the start date to a date in the future, you can choose to send email notifications to your recipients when the start date arrives. If you edit a scheduled Link’s start date to a date in the past or present, the following confirmation popup appears:
Here, you can click the checkbox to notify reviewers via email that a screener is available for viewing. The email notification is sent immediately, though in some cases it may take up to an hour to send.
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