If you are not seeing content when you log in to Screeners.com, this could be due to a number of reasons.
1. You were never granted access to the titles/screeners. If you were informed that you have access to a title but do not see it in your account, it is possible that the network did not actually grant you access to view it. Our team suggests contacting the network if you suspect this is the case, as our team does not have the ability to grant or remove access to network accounts. Network contact information can be found on the title page under "Contact," or you can reach out to your own contact at the network in question.
2. You were granted access to a title, but it has been revoked, or the screener has been expired. Network administrators can expire titles, or remove user access, whenever they would like. Typically, networks only allow reviewers to access content within a specific timeframe. Our team suggests contacting the network if you suspect this is the case, as our team does not have the ability to grant or remove access to network accounts. Network contact information can be found on the title page under "Contact," or you can reach out to your own contact at the network in question.
3. You have multiple Screeners.com accounts, and are logged in to the wrong one. Many critics and reviewers operate with multiple professional and personal email addresses, which can vary network-to-network. In Screeners.com, your account is tied to your email address, meaning that if Network A adds your personal email, but Network B adds your work email, you can not access content from both networks on a single email address. If you suspect this may be the case, please contact our support team.
If you need any assistance, please click here to submit a support ticket.
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