To manage Project files, first, select a folder in the folder tree on the left. The contents of that folder will appear in the detail panel on the right. From the detail panel, there are a few things you can do with Project files:
- Click the file name once to edit.
Select files by clicking the checkbox next to the filename.
Click the “Download” button in the menu above.
Move / Copy
Select files by clicking the checkbox next to the filename.
Click the “Move” or “Copy” button in the menu above.
Choose a destination Project and folder for the files and click “Move” or “Copy.”
- Select files by clicking the checkbox next to the filename.
- Click the “Delete” button in the menu above (Deleted files are placed in the Project trash. Items in the trash count towards your storage, so be sure to empty the trash when files are no longer needed. Files emptied from the Project trash are permanently deleted from the system and cannot be recovered).
Replace a file or thumbnail image
With Wiredrive, you can replace a Project file with an updated version, even if you’ve already sent out a presentation. Additionally, you can replace the auto-generated thumbnail image with a custom thumbnail.
- Click on a file in your Project to open the file detail.
- Click the “Manage” button in the file detail menu.
- Choose to replace the “File” or “Thumbnail.”
- Select a new file to replace the existing one.
- Click “Replace.”
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