Library search tools are designed to work with the categories, keywords and other metadata that your Library Administrator attaches to your assets.
- Enter a term or phrase into the Library search bar to perform a simple search (also see “Search behavior” below).
- Click on a category and a category name to browse by category.
- Click Show All to browse your entire Library.
- Click Featured Work to browse files that have been tagged by the Library administrator as featured.
Advanced Searching
Click Advanced Search in the search panel and select any combination of the following parameters to narrow your search results:
- Enter your term(s) in the search bar.
- Select your filter parameters from the category type and category name drop-down menus; you can add or remove additional category filters using the + button.
- Click Use Date Completed to open filter-by-date options.
- Click Include keywords and select keywords to include them in your search.
- Click Search when your parameters are set.
Viewing Search Results
Click on a drop-down menu in the search results panel to change views:
- Order results by title or category.
- Select ascending or descending order.
- Select gallery view to tile assets.
- Select image list to display metadata and compression information.
- Select up to 128 assets per page.
- Click on category and keywords in the search results panel to view all files tagged with the same metadata.
Viewing Files
Click on a file thumbnail image in the search results panel to view its detail page. The following information and functions are available:
- Download
- Full-screen mode is available in current versions of Safari and Firefox.
- File encoding information.
- Click on a category or keyword to view similarly tagged files.
- Click on the file views disclosure triangle to open the files views log; administrator access only.
Search Behavior
- When conducting a search, the search parameters include the original filename of the asset, The title of the asset, Any categories that relate to the search inquiry, and any keywords that relate to the search inquiry.
- Search only incorporates single search strings, meaning, the system only looks for words and letters in the exact order it is presented.
- All search terms are treated as partial-word searches. A search for "Day," for example, will return results that include words like "Holiday," "Birthday," and "Days."
- Logical terms like, "And," "Or," and "Not" are not supported, nor are punctuation marks, like asterisk, ampersand and quotation marks. Searches that include these words and characters will not return results that include those items.
- Search terms are not case-sensitive.
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