The Usage Report lets you keep track of the storage used by your Wiredrive account. Here, you can monitor your average storage usage for the current month, check if you’re reaching your plan’s storage limit, and view your usage history for previous months.
To access the Usage Report, hover over Management in the navigation bar and select Usage Report. You must have administrator access to Projects or Library in order to access this page.
The usage page is organized into two main sections: the top provides information about the current month, the bottom contains a list of usage history for previous months, which you can export. The following sections will break down the information contained on this page.
1. If you have any files in your project trash, a yellow banner appears along the top of the page. This banner displays the amount of storage used by project trash, since files in your trash still count toward your account’s storage usage. By emptying the trash, you can help reduce your monthly average usage. If your project trash is empty, this yellow banner does not appear.
2. The usage bar displays your average monthly usage. Here, you can see how much of your storage plan you’re using on average or if you’re exceeding it.
If you are removing files from your account in order to reduce your storage usage, note that the usage bar will not change immediately. That’s because it represents the average storage over the month, not your storage right now. As an account administrator, be sure to check your usage earlier in the month so you’ll have time, if necessary, to adjust your monthly average by the end of the month.
3.Under Your plan, you’ll see the amount of storage you can use on average every month, according to your current plan.
4. This month’s average displays the average storage used to date for the current month. This number updates throughout the month based on the files you upload and remove from your account.
5. Under Email notification, you can choose to receive an email every Monday with usage statistics for your Wiredrive account. Click Add Email to add, edit, or remove email addresses from the notification list. You can reply to these emails with any questions about your usage, or you can contact your Customer Success Manager directly.
6. The Breakdown of usage graph lets you track your usage throughout the current month. Different colors indicate where storage is being used (note the color key above the graph). For example, one color represents active files in Projects, while another represents files in your project trash. Remember that files in your trash still count toward your account’s overall storage usage.
Hover over a day and time on the graph to check the corresponding usage: a small window will appear with a usage breakdown for Projects on the left and a breakdown for Library on the right.
Usage History
Below the Breakdown of usage graph, you’ll find the Usage history for every month that your Wiredrive account has existed. Click the Export button to export this data as a .CSV file.
For more information about a particular month, click the number in the Total usage column. This opens a window containing a usage graph for that month. Hover over the graph to view usage information for a specific day and time.
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