This page contains information and resources for Web Developers integrating Wiredrive mRSS links to a website. If you are not a Developer and are looking for instructions on how to get started, visit the mRSS Overview. If you are a Developer but unfamiliar with how to use create websites based on RSS, visit our Wordpress Plugin overview for a simpler solution to integrating Wiredrive media into a website. Below, we give an example of integration with the Flowplayer. It is up to your Developer to figure out how to integrate mRSS with other media players.
Accessing the RSS feed
- Open the Presentation your client sent; the Presentations contain the website media including the file, a few versions of the thumbnail, and metadata.
- If you have access to the Wiredrive system, you can create and send yourself the Presentation links.
- Open the RSS version of the Presentation (consult your browser documentation for instructions) to access the feed. You may need a browser extension to do this.
- If you are unable to open the RSS page, check with your client to make sure that the Allow download/podcast/RSS option was enabled in Wiredrive.
- Primary asset, thumbnails, and categories are all available in the media namespace of the XML file. See the mRSS spec for a detail explanation of the XML structure.
Sample code for mRSS integration
Visit our Github example page to access sample code and instructions on how to use the sample files. The example files are starting points for Developers and demonstrate the most frequently-asked implementation questions we have received. We have compiled sample files from our mRSS workshops for you to use, as well.
You do not need a crossdomain.xml file
We have provided an example on our Github page that pulls the mRSS feed from Wiredrive and caches it on the local server. Your SWF file will find the cached feed on the same domain as the other content it needs.
When caching the RSS feed data locally, cache time should follow the TTL and use the guide value as the key. Do not try to parse the asset id from the URLs. These may change as files age or are migrated between storage clusters.
In the example below the cache key to use would be:
Cache time should follow the TTL defined in the feed.
example feed:
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