In this article, we’ll define which special characters are supported when you upload files to MediaSilo and which ones are not. In addition, we’ll cover how certain special characters are affected when downloading files.
In Projects, asset titles and filenames can be viewed in the Information tab on the right. By default, the asset title matches the filename, but asset titles can be edited by users with edit permission.
Uploading Files
The following characters are allowed in the filenames of files uploaded to MediaSilo and in the asset titles that appear in the MediaSilo app. This list applies to projects that are watermarked and projects that are not watermarked.
Character | Description |
{ | Left curly brace |
} | Right curly brace |
^ | Caret |
’ | Apostrophe |
! | Exclamation mark |
` | Grave accent/backtick |
[ | Left square bracket |
] | Right square bracket |
~ | Tilde |
| | Vertical bar/pipe |
* | Asterisk |
( | Left parenthesis |
) | Right parenthesis |
- | Hyphen |
_ | Underscore |
& | Ampersand |
$ | Dollar sign |
. | Period |
@ | “At” symbol |
; | Semicolon |
+ | Plus sign |
, | Comma |
Space (1) |
(1) If a file is uploaded with sequences of multiple spaces in the filename, those spaces may not carry over into MediaSilo.
The following characters are not supported in the filenames of files uploaded to MediaSilo.
Character | Description | Results |
: | Colon | Filenames with colons are not permitted on MacOS and cannot be uploaded to MediaSilo. |
\ | Backslash | File is uploaded. Backslash is removed from the filename but is displayed in the asset title. |
% | Percent sign | File is uploaded. Percent sign is removed from the filename but is displayed in the asset title. |
“ ” | Quotation marks | File is uploaded. Quotation marks are removed from the filename but are displayed in the asset title. |
? | Question mark | File is uploaded. Question mark is removed from the filename but is displayed in the asset title. |
# | Pound symbol | File is uploaded. Pound symbol is removed from the filename but is displayed in the asset title. |
> | “Greater Than” sign | File is uploaded. Greater-than sign is removed from both the filename and asset title. |
< | “Less Than” sign | File is uploaded. Less-than sign is removed from both the filename and asset title. |
= | Equals sign | File is uploaded. Equals sign is removed from both the filename and asset title. |
/ | Forward slash | File is uploaded. Forward slash is changed to a colon (“:”) in the filename and asset title. |
Downloading Files
When downloading a watermarked proxy, all special characters except for underscores (“_”) are removed from the filename.
When downloading a source file whose filename contains certain characters, those characters are modified as follows.
Character | Description | Results |
* | Asterisk | File is downloaded. The asterisk (“*”) is changed to an underscore (“_”). |
| | Vertical bar/pipe | File is downloaded. The vertical bar/pipe (“|”) is changed to an underscore (“_”). |
: | Colon | File is downloaded. The colon (“:”) is changed to an underscore (“_”). |
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