When an EditShare server doesn't boot normally or it boots to a black screen with text, sometimes manual file recovery, a memory test, or or a reinstall is needed. This can be done with an ES7 bootable USB (EditShare System Recovery is not currently built into ES2020 boot sticks as of 2020.4.1)
Most EditShare 7 systems shipped with an orange EditShare 7 USB stick which contains the recovery operating system and also the EditShare installer. Many times customers can't find the USB, in which case we should help them create one. Steps are below for this creation.
Caveat on using this USB for re-installing EditShare 7 OS: Be aware that re-installing over an EFS system's OS will destroy any EFS data that was contained on that server's RAID if the server was also the EFS Admin server. This is generally fine if it's a storage node that doesn't serve the EFS admin role. When re-installing it is vital that the same version be used again. If it was running EditShare 2020 or later you must create that stick and not an EditShare 7 USB. No going later or earlier.
- 8GB thumb drive (bigger is OK)
Download an ES7 ISO
- If
- If you are using Windows - Download & Install Win32 Disk Imager from here:
Process Steps
Download Balena etcher and use it to write the iso file to the USB stick as a bootable disk:
Open Win32 Disk Imager.
In the Device drop-down list make sure the correct drive letter for the USB stick selected.
Click the folder button, and browse to the location of the downloaded V7 .iso
Once in the correct location, you will not actually see the .iso until you select the all files option *.* from the bottom right hand corner as shown.
Now that the drive and .iso have been selected, select Write.
Select Yes on the warning box.
The files will then start to write to the USB stick.
Once complete, you will receive a confirmation. Select OK to close.
The USB stick is now ready.
You should now be able to plug in the boot stick into the back of the server, boot up, and a landing page pops up that looks like:
From here, enter EditShare System Recovery, and a root prompt should pop up.
You can now configure the IP of the machine temporarily, using the following command:
$ ifconfignetmask
$ ifconfig enp0s3 netmask
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