Some time ago In Media Composer and Symphony 6, Avid added a Search Index to the projects folder to optimize the search feature. This indexing can cause performance issues with shared file systems. With Media Composer 6.5.2 and beyond the feature was added to be able to set the indexes for each machine local.
EditShare recommends this be done in any Avid configurations.
Below are instructions to set the indexes locally:
Open the Find dialog from Avid by typing Control+F (Win) or Command+F (Mac):
Select the Settings tab. You will see the Search Data Folder is defaulted to the Project Folder. This will save the search DB files to the projects drive. Each system will make their search DB in the project folder. To change, hit the default pull down and choose local default
Next you will see the path and location of where it will now recreate and save the index DB files:
The new path should now be listed:
The original search index now needs to be removed from the projects. To remove or at least move the original from the projects drive, go to the project share and open the project. In the project you will see folders by machine/host name. Within each machine name folder you will see the Search Data directory. Delete this, or move it somewhere off the shared projects volume. This will need to be repeated for each project folder.
We now want to make the search settings a site setting so that all future projects create the indexes local automatically. On each machine open the site settings box under the special menu in Avid. Then locate the search setting in the settings list and drag it into the box.
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