MediaSilo permits users who have upload permission on a project to upload files to that project (or to folders inside that project) via third-party SFTP apps. MediaSilo will only allow Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) and will not permit any un-secure FTP integrations. Note that SFTP is only available through desktop apps and will not work with mobile apps.
By integrating with an SFTP, MediaSilo will create independent SFTP credentials that are unique and specific to any project or folder in your workspace. Additionally, MediaSilo will allow multiple users to create SFTP credentials and to upload through their own account.
To begin implementing an SFTP integration in your account, click the action menu (three dots) on either an existing project or folder in your MediaSilo account. Then, select Advanced > Create SFTP Credentials. We’ll generate a username and password for you to upload only to that location.
In the "Create SFTP Credentials" window, click "Create" in the bottom-right corner. A host destination, username, and password will be provided to you. These credentials will only be available for you to upload to that project or folder location.
You will need to save these 3 values to authenticate in your third-party SFTP client. Select the "copy" icon to the right of each field to save these values.
Many SFTP clients will automatically select the correct port if this field is left blank. However, if your client requires you to enter one, enter Port 22. Additionally, you will need to ensure that Ports 40000 to 50000 are unblocked for transport verification.
Once you create these credentials, you can manage them in your Profile under Integrations. (Click your user avatar in the bottom-left corner to access your Profile.)
Here, you will see all the SFTP integrations you have set up in your MediaSilo account, along with their usernames.
You can delete any existing SFTP integration by clicking the "X" button on the right.
MediaSilo SFTP supports uploading both files and folders, just like the browser uploader. If you upload a folder tree containing many folders/assets into your SFTP client, the folder tree will recreate itself with the appropriate assets in your account.
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