Note: Special characters are not currently supported in a .csv file import. If your import is failing, please double-check the .csv file to ensure it does not contain any special characters.
Screeners offers a user Import option which allows you to import a .csv file of all users you want to add to your Screening room. Each CSV must have at least 3 columns with the viewer’s first name, last name, and email address.
When you import new users, you also have the option to go back and re-import an updated .csv file. This feature comes in handy when you want to edit or add additional tags or assign new titles. Please note with this feature you can:
- Update new users added to the original .csv file
- Add new tags for existing users or new users
- Add new titles for existing users or new users
With re-importing please note that you cannot edit users names or emails as this is an additive feature.
Importing New Users
1. In the Users section, select on the Import button and Browse to locate your .csv.
2. Assign each column to a field.
3. Now you are ready to assign them to titles, choose whether or not you would like them to be notified via email and click Import Users. Depending on the size of your list, this may take a few seconds.
Once the viewers have been created, you can edit their information and screener assignments at any time.
Batch Updating Existing Users
- In the Users section, select on the Import button and Browse to locate your .csv.
- Check the Add Data to Existing Users checkbox.
- Make any additional necessary changes then click the Import Users button.
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