In this article, we'll review how to access information about a file and how to add tags and metadata.
You can view a file’s information and metadata in the drawer on the right side of the page. Open and close this drawer by clicking the arrow icon in the top-right corner of the page.
The second tab in the right drawer displays file information; the third tab displays metadata. By selecting a file on the left side of the page, you can view its information and metadata on the right.
When multiple files are selected, the right drawer only displays tags and metadata that the selected files have in common.
When a single file is selected, the information tab displays the file’s title and description at the top. These fields can be edited by users with Edit permission on the project.
The following information is displayed below the file description:
filename (the name of the file uploaded to MediaSilo)
uploader’s name
date and time the file was uploaded
date and time it was last edited
file’s duration
file’s dimensions (width and height)
file’s size
The last section – Tags – lists any tags that have been applied to the asset.
Tag Your Assets
To add a new tag, click the blue plus icon.
Then, start typing in the Tags field.
Hit the Enter or Tab key to submit the tag and enter more tags. When you are done adding tags, you can click outside of the Tags field to exit this mode.
Remove Tags
To remove a tag, click on the tag to enter edit mode. Now, you will notice an “x” button next to each tag. Click the “x” to remove the tag.
Working with Metadata
To access a file’s metadata, select the file and open the right-side drawer. Metadata is the third tab in the right drawer (after the Team and Info tabs).
The Metadata tab is organized into different sections. The Custom metadata section is where you can add metadata or edit existing metadata. The rest of the metadata categories cannot be edited. These categories include General, Video, Audio, and File. The metadata displayed in these categories was captured automatically when you uploaded a file to MediaSilo. Supported metadata formats include XMP, IPTC, GPS, and EXIF.
Add Metadata
The first section in the Metadata tab – the Custom section– is where you can manually enter metadata. Start by clicking the blue plus icon.
This will give you two fields: one for entering a metadata key, the other for entering a value. Hit the Enter key to submit your new key/value pair.
To add metadata to a file, you need edit permission on the corresponding project.
Edit Metadata
To edit an existing value in the Custom section, just click on the value and start typing a new one.
The Custom metadata section is where you can add metadata or edit existing metadata. The rest of the metadata categories (General, Video, Audio, and File) cannot be edited. Any metadata that was automatically imported with the file must be edited in a media application that supports metadata tagging.
Remove Metadata
To remove a key/value pair, hover over it and then click the “X” button that appears on the right.
When multiple files are selected, the Metadata tab shows you all the key/value pairs those files have in common. If you remove a key/value pair when multiple files are selected, then you will remove the key/value pair from all the selected files.
Search for Metadata
If you are looking for a specific key/value pair, click the filter icon next to the plus icon.
This will provide you with a search bar. The search bar lets you search through all the metadata sections, including Custom, General, Video, Audio, and File.
When multiple files are selected, the search results will only include key/value pairs that all the selected files have in common.
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