Release Notes 12-19-2016
- Users have the ability to un-expire presentations and change the expiration date
- Users with Basic permissions now have the ability to view reports for projects they are assigned to and are able to expire and un-expire presentations sent out by them
- A new tab called 'Invites' was added to Reports where users can search via a presentation token for specific presentations
Bug Fixes
- Specific error message when creating a user with a duplicate username
- Users being unassigned to existing projects when a Producer adds them to new projects
- Extra padding found in presentation emails when viewed in outlook web
Release Notes 11-04-2016
- Updated WordPress plugin
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue with special character encoding
Release Notes 10-26-2016
- Implementation of New Email Templates
Bug Fixes
- No new bug fixes at this time.
Release Notes 09-15-2016
- Removed the option of plain text formatting to support mobile-optimized viewing of presentation emails.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed presentation link visibility for shared presentations in reports.
- Fixed Date Completed not saving.
- Fixed 'Powered by Wiredrive' logo in new email templates.
- Improvements to download functions on presentation pages.
Release Notes 08-08-2016
- Launch of new Internal Email Templates.
- New Help Center design and navigation.
- Chat module is now available in your Wiredrive system. When an agent is available you will see the option to chat with us.
Bug Fixes
- No new bug fixes at this time.
Release Notes 07-20-2016
- No new updates at this time.
Bug Fixes
- Fix to items not displaying in Project trash.
Release Notes 06-30-2016
- Implementation of new presentation shortlinks.
- Improved notification of feature releases in Wiredrive Systems.
Bug Fixes
- Fix to broken URL in Login emails.
- Fix to thumbnails not generating for grayscale images.
Release Notes 06-17-2016
- No new updates at this time.
Bug Fixes
- Fix to Firefox PDF presentation view.
Release Notes 06-10-2016
- Adobe Integrations Beta launch.
- Making it easier to update forgot passwords for users with an active session by prepopulating the username field in the forgot password page.
- Security is very important to us here at Wiredrive and making sure that we are current with password standards is just one of the many things we continue to improve. Please review our updated password standards here.
- When you access Wiredrive from an unsupported browser you will be notified on the login page instead of getting a blank screen.
Bug Fixes
- Improvements to password reset page for expired password email tokens.
- Fixed search bug when paginating to pages greater than 1, you couldn't see results when searching.
- Fixed bug that allowed whitespace characters before or after a password which would cause an invalid password prompt.
Release Notes 05-19-2016
- Improvements to 404 page so you know exactly where you are.
- Fixed issue with adding and viewing of keywords with ampersand (&).
Release Notes 05-03-2016
- Improvement to Bulk Management features that now allow you to reassign users as project managers when deleting or changing user permissions for existing users assigned as Project Manager for existing Projects.
Release Notes 04-29-2016
- Implementation of Self-Service Support Module. This module will allow Wiredrive users to search the full Wiredrive Help Center, submit tickets, check Wiredrive's status updates, and view recent Wiredrive blog postings.
Release Notes 04-07-2016
Bug Fixes/Updates
- Fixed Top Level Domain (TLD) limitation when setting usage alerts thresholds.
- Fixed issue with not being able to create/login when username contains apostrophes.
- Fixed presentation forward forms not sending if the email is entered with uppercase characters.
Release Notes 03-31-2016
- We have released an update that will improve Wiredrives selective transcoder for improved playback of various file types.
- Should you have any files uploaded prior to 3/31 with playback issues, feel free to download and re-upload the files to go through our selective transcoding again for improved transcoding for playback.
Release Notes 03-25-2016
New Feature/Updates
- We are proud to announce the new user directory page which includes options for bulk user management and a fresh new interface for creating and updating users: New User Management Directory. This feature release will be completed on 3/29/2016.
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