December 19th, 2019
Resolved a variety of issues relating to rich text formatting and quotation marks showing up improperly both internally/externally.
Resolved problems with PDF thumbnails not appearing.
Improved color profile and quality of CR2 image uploads.
Resolved multiple issues related to Presentations: Bundles list and new presentation reels not displaying, full-screen mode problem removing custom branding.
November 11th, 2019
Resolved intermittent replace files issue
Improved Mobile Tracking for presentation views
Resolved Firefox rich text selection issue
Resolved issue around Library descriptions not saving.
Resolved issue with share modal settings persisting.
Resolved issue with Administrator not seeing all users in User Directory
Resolved issue with high volume of presentations loading in Presentation List.
Resolved issue with special characters in mobile comments.
October 4th, 2019
Resolved an issue where Administrators were not able to Empty All Trash on the Management page.
August 12th, 2019
Resolved an issue in which trying to access the User Directory resulted in an error.
July 8th, 2019
Fixed an issue with errors displaying when new projects were being created but still being created.
Fixed resumable downloads on Library Reel Presentations.
Fixed an issue when navigating through project folders.
Fixed an issue with credit ordering in Library Administration Preview.
May 28th, 2019
Fixed a bug where users could not use the "-" button to remove assets from the batch assigner.
Fixed a bug where when previewing a New Presentation template resulted in a blank white page.
May 8th, 2019
- Fixed an issue where users with admin permissions could delete themselves.
- Resolving issue with new presentation preview
- Updating presentation expired copy to be more accurate
- Resolving issue around presentation asset description not supporting rich text
- Resolved bug where saving category groups reset the category preference
April 4th, 2019
- Fixed a bug where you could not delete an asset in pending files using the “-” button.
- Fixed a bug where certain fields in project report exports weren’t showing due to volume of presentations being listed.
- Security Improvements
February 19, 2019
Added Auto Retry: To help with our Wiredrive users upload speeds, we've implemented auto retry. This means that a file will try 5 times before fully failing an upload. This means that a quick drop in our users network will no longer automatically fail. It will keep trying in cause the network connection reestablishes, and if still no lunch after the 5th time, then it will stop the upload. Another small change we're making to the uploader is tracking upload speeds in Mbps instead of MB/sec. This will be more accurate.
Removed Threshold in Usage: We are removing the UI for Threshold indicators on the usage page. The feature is no longer used and currently there is no functionality to edit it so....IT BE GONE!
Added support for Invite Reports Export: Added ability to export reports under Invite in both Projects and Library.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed & and bundles: We fixed a bug where having an "&" in the bundle presentation resulted in a false fail message. (Although the bundle presentation actually is created)
- Fixed Rich Text Descriptions: Fixed an issue where the description when rich text was turned on resulted in an error page within the text box preventing the user from being able to enter a rich text description on some browsers.
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