Since the release of new email templates, you may have experienced issues when sending emails and HTML or code showing in the message body.
Why is this happening:
Wiredrive's new email templates work off of rich text edits, which means all styling and design are based on rich text CSS and HTML request. If you are typing the content for the message body, this will not be an issue.
If you are copying and pasting text from another rich text application like Word or Powerpoint, then you are not copying just the text but any hidden or visible styling code linked to that content.
This causes styling code to be pasted on top of Wiredrive's styling code.
- There are two ways to fix this. When you paste from another application it's best that it's from a plain text application like Notepad (Windows) or Text Editor (Mac) so that any styling is stripped out and the proper Wiredrive styling is used without conflict.
- If you do not know how to do the above, you can prepare your shared Presentation settings and when you get ready to add the message portion:
- Uncheck the "Rich-text" box next to the message body field.
- Paste your text
- Re-check the rich-text checkbox (very important)
Why was this not an issue before?
The last update to our emails templates was over 10 years ago. This means we used very outdated templates that did not rely on any rich-text functions for the email that was sent out. However, with the new email standards that provided additional security and styling updates for all current email applications. these updates are needed and provided a better experience for all of our users/recipients.
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